Up-to-date Traffic Information and Traffic Data about all events or incidents which may impact Transport Passing through some Road or Road Section or may impact Road Transport Safety are necessarily needed to secure safe, uncomplicated and comfortable Transport Passing of Roads or Road sections. Traffic Information Centre (TIC) represents technical, technological, operational, organizational and personal office at central level of the Road Network. TIC is responsible for collecting, processing, verification, authorization, use, publication and distribution of Traffic Data and Traffic Information within Information System of Traffic Information Service (IS TIS).
Most of all, TIC processes the long term restrictions on Roads based on official resolutions issued by state Transport Authorities.
During the winter season (from 01.11. until 31.03.) there is a permanent operation of TIC; all of Road Agencies and Administrators give information about weather conditions on Roads under their responsibility in regular time gaps (four times a day). RWIS CEMPRES running as a part of IS TIS is a necessary supporting tool for winter road maintenance.
Published: 25.11.2010